Exclusive Cruises is committed to being kind to the environment and all creatures. We follow a strict set of guidelines and believe in giving back and respecting where we live. Below is our pledge and we ask that our guests hop on board as well!
1. Local employees: All of our skippers are local Italians from the coastal area. It is important that our guests understand and live the Amalfi Coast… and that begins with the captain.
2. We promote the local economy by suggesting local things to do, apart from a boat excursion, such as restaurants, hotels, artisanal crafts to buy, bus information, etc. Supporting family owned establishments and the local Italian economy are what make this area so special!
3. Our captains are asked to immediately stop the boat and pick up any trash or plastic that they may see floating in the Mediterranean Sea and put it on the boat in the storage compartment, to throw away properly at the end of the day. Some items that have been recovered in the past were a plastic chair, bottles, bags and children's floats/rafts. The Mediterranean Sea is clean, clear and wonderful…let’s make sure that it stays that way!
4. Under no circumstances does the boat drop anchor in a marine protected area.
5. When dolphins are spotted, the captain turns off the motor so that our guests can observe safely and the dolphins are not disturbed.
6. If you see an animal in distress, the captain must call the proper authorities to save it. In the past one of our captains had come across a turtle on the Cilento Coast that was not swimming properly and may have been sick. He called the Coast Guard to rescue it and waited by the animal until they arrived.
7. The boat is cleaned with eco-friendly soaps at the end of each day. All boating companies should be doing this!
8. Go paperless. Please refrain from printing vouchers and papers.
9. Respect: Animals, environment and people. At the beginning of every season our captains are required to sign a pledge enforcing all of the above steps.
We love where we live, we love our guests, and we are proud to be a part of this pledge!